Vocational guidance in young people with problematic consumption

  • Marcela Álvarez Chamale
  • Vicente Di Francesco
  • María Emilia Fernández
  • Franco Saúl Tornello Franco Saúl Tornello
Keywords: vocational guidance, problematic consumption, youth and psychoanalysis


This study is a qualitative research from the
theoretical perspective of psychoanalysis conducted
in Salta Capital, Argentina, in the period 2018 and
2019 for the Catholic University of Salta in the
Chair Vocational and Professional Orientation of the
Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology. The purpose was
to know the characteristics of the vocational aspects
present in a group of twelve young people in situation
of problematic consumption, who at the time of the
study were between 20 and 30 years of age. These
participants were undergoing treatment at the Centro
de Integración y Tratamiento (CEDIT) (Integration
and Treatment Center) and the Programa Puente
(Bridge Program), both belonging to the Secretariat of
Addictions of the Government of the Province of Salta.
The aim of the article is to lay some foundations
on vocational orientation for these types of
populations, as well as to question social prejudices
about the effects on the subjectivity of problematic
Among the main findings, it was found that
the vocational aspects are obstructed by a
difficulty in the representation of the future and
the construction of a life project. Possibly the
relationship that the subject establishes with
the substance of consumption intervenes in the
vocational aspect


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How to Cite
Álvarez Chamale, M., Di Francesco, V., Fernández, M. E., & Franco Saúl Tornello, F. S. T. (2021). Vocational guidance in young people with problematic consumption. Intersticios, 1(1), 11-22. https://doi.org/10.53794/in.v1i1.377
Scientific Articles