Behind the red card and the whistle - Mental Strength in the professional soccer referees in the city of Salta

  • Facundo Gabriel Busto Docente UCASAL
Keywords: referee, Mental toughness, Soccer


The present study aims to describe an approximation of Mental toughness (Loehr, 1990) in professional Soccer referees in the City of Salta. The individual characteristics, the socio-sports context in which they are located and the response they adopt on the playing field are taken into account from a broad perspective (Rosado, Fonseca, & Serpa, 2013).

For such a study, a qualitative, exploratory and grounded theory study project were developed. Individual interviews and a group interview were applied as tools. The results obtained indicate that Mental toughness, as a meta-competency in sport, takes on different aspects with other sports subjects.

The social and sports context influences in the exercise of the refereeing role, achieving or not the expected performance. So, the strategic, tactical, physical and psychological preparation is important for each referee to overcome the several sports situations of the Federal Amateur Regional Tournament.

Consequently, a series of psychological resources in common with athletes are dynamically integrated, such as self-knowledge, motivation, self-control, confidence and concentration. Other resources are also dynamically integrated such as attention, experiential learning, game reading, responsibility and leadership, decision-making, communication, self-distancing and group cohesion among the most outstanding.


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How to Cite
Busto, F. G. (2022). Behind the red card and the whistle - Mental Strength in the professional soccer referees in the city of Salta. Intersticios, 2(2), 99-110.
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