Problematization of violence against women in socio-community operators of the United Network of Salta Capital
This article is based on undergraduate research within the framework of the Bachelor of Psychology dependent on the Catholic University of Salta. Its main objective was to describe the processes of problematizing violence against women in socio-community operators of the United Network of Salta Capital (REDUSAL).
The aforementioned investigation was carried out in the city of Salta capital in the year 2021-2022. The sample was made up of socio-community operators that depend on the Human Rights Secretariat of Salta and socio-community operators that depend on the Police of the Province of Salta, who were an active part of REDUSAL during the data collection period.
The study was qualitative with a descriptive level and a phenomenological design was used. For the collection of information, semi-structured interviews, observation and field log recording were used.
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