Territorialising or deterritorialising traits?
A graph of inhabiting "El Paraíso"
This paper will present the case of Finca El Paraíso, a rural community inhabiting Chaco Salteño, where we are performing functions as part of the technical team. The particularity of this case lies in the presence of UCASAL as the legal owner of the land and an institutional project of work in the territory, for which we will address the implications of said institutional insertion and the interventions deployed from said framework, which has as its main objective, addressing complex environmental problems. We will develop reflections around cartographies worked by family/position, as a technique within a socio-community diagnosis process that we have been carrying out, adding, in addition, what we call the Women's Meeting as a device, enabling the beginning of the development of participatory processes in the community. Finally, we highlight the contributions of the seminars held to date within the framework of the Master's Degree in Intervention and Social and Community Research of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of UCASAL from which we have deepened the reflections to be developed.
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