HAL9000. The science´s products and the assimilation challenge. The cases of algorithms, digital journalism and transhumanism.

  • Maria Fedra Aimetta
Keywords: Philosophy of Science, Algorithms, Journalism, Transhumanism


Science and technology gravitate in everyday life, in the economy and in development, and other problems and ethical dilemmas arise. This work argues that the current bottleneck that we face as humanity emerges from the fact that scientific knowledge is produced whose products exceed the possibilities of human intellection, assimilation and foresight. The applications of knowledge of scientific origin produce biological alterations that affect humanity itself at the same time that it is the same biological conditions that are overcome by the possibilities enabled by technology.

We are a subject of knowledge that loses its place in the face of its objects of knowledge, in the face of robots, algorithms, the abundance of information, and endangers its agency in the face of genetic alteration techniques.

The interest of this work is to put in relation the concepts that are poured from the philosophy of science in relation to the new phenomena of meaning that are produced in digital environments, the commercial and political manipulation that algorithms produce and some derivations of what It is framed in transhumanism, above all about inequality of access. The critical analysis of authors is nuanced with references to science fiction films and literature.


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How to Cite
Aimetta, M. F. (2022). HAL9000. The science´s products and the assimilation challenge. The cases of algorithms, digital journalism and transhumanism. Intersticios, 2(2), 69-84. https://doi.org/10.53794/in.v2i2.571
Scientific Articles