Visual WebShawn: Herramienta visual para el análisis de simulaciones de redes de sensores inalámbricos

  • Diego Godoy Universidad Gastón Dachary
Keywords: Simulation, Wireless Sensor Networks, WebML


  • This article presents the progress made in relation to the design of a graphical visualization tool for the analysis of WSN simulation results called Visual WebShawn. It allows simulating wireless sensor networks from a web interface. Using as a simulation engine Shawn can simulate thousands of sensors in minimal time compared to other simulators. For its modeling and implementation, we use WebML methodology, the WebRatio tool and Docker containers respectively. Finally, test cases are presented to verify the tool operation.


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How to Cite
Godoy, D. (2021). Visual WebShawn: Herramienta visual para el análisis de simulaciones de redes de sensores inalámbricos. Cuadernos De Ingeniería, 13(XIII), 25-44.