Seismic action directionality effect analysis of a reduced-scale model of buildings
Directionality analysis makes it possible to evaluate the influence of the angle of incidence of seismic action on structures. In this work, a small-scale model (metal structure) representative of the typical buildings of the city of Barcelona was used. The numerical analysis was performed with the ETABS software, using moment of inertia modifiers at the ends of the beams until the dynamic parameters resemble those obtained with the experimental model. Three case studies were established: one corresponding to the original structure (without damage) and two others each corresponding to a model with damage on a longitudinal face and on a transverse face. Directionality was applied with the horizontal components of the earthquake accelerogram recorded in Lorca that occurred in 2011. The parameters to be analysed were the displacement in a node of the upper level of the building and the basal shear force. For different damage situations, the same building shows different behaviour, varying depending on the earthquake incidence angle. The displacement obtained for some angles is greater than the one of the initial angle. The value of the maximum basal shear force differs for different cases, being higher in cases with damage and almost independent of rotation in the case without damage.
Copyright (c) 2024 Florencia Elina Lesser, Luis Gonzaga Pujades Beneit

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