Privacy Policy


General commitments of the editorial committee

The Editorial Committee of Teks del Sud is committed to ensuring compliance with the established editorial due process.


Delivery of information related to a publication

All the information provided by those who collaborate in the editorial process of the journal is archived in their own databases. They may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their personal data if they consider it so.


Interaction with the authors

The editorial team of Teks del Sud is committed to maintain the confidentiality of the articles received and not to use data, arguments or interpretations in its own research until the article is published with express reference to its origin. Likewise, the editorial team guarantees impartiality and adequate management of the articles received.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

Each author and each evaluator will receive, after the journal in which they contributed publication, a certificate of participation in digital format.


Interaction with the evaluators

Teks del Sud guarantees the anonymity of the works received by the evaluators. It undertakes to make their selection objectively based on the established theme. Before each delivery for evaluation, acceptance of receipt and compliance with the time established for the requested return must be given.

Regarding criticism of published articles

Each evaluator receives a form defined by the editorial committee that must be completed objectively, justifying its position. Once the two evaluations of each article are received, which are made by external peers, they are sent to the author for their knowledge, in cases in which the article was accepted without recommendations or rejected, or so that the author can incorporate the suggestions made by the evaluators. in the case of requesting corrections. Teks del Sud guarantees confidentiality in the case of possible clarifications, claims or complaints that an author wishes to send in any case.


Ethical-academic integrity

The editorial team of Teks del Sud is committed to the scientific community by guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles it publishes. The journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics or COPE, the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers.

In compliance with this code, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of the publications and the adequate response to the needs of readers and authors. The code reaches all parties involved in the editorial process of the magazine. The Editorial Committee undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.


Commercial Aspects

Teks del Sud is a digitally distributed, non-profit journal, guaranteeing open access to any of its contents. Likewise, it does not financially reward its collaborators for their participation, regardless of whether they act as reviewers or writers.


Conflict of interests

In any case, the existence of commercial, financial or private ties with people or institutions that may have interests related to the works published in the magazine must be reported.


Plagiarism and self-plagiarism

Teks del Sud submits all the articles it receives to the detection of plagiarism and / or self-plagiarism. In the event that this is totally or partially detected (without the corresponding citation), the text does not begin the editorial process established by the journal and the respective notification is given to the author immediately.