Homogeneity and spatial heterogeneity in the analysis of patterns of the landscape in Medellín

  • Olgalicia del Pilar Palmett Plata Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4734-337X
  • Ana Sofía Henao Tamayo Facultad de arquitectura e ingeniería. Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
Keywords: landscape, geoprocessing, geospatial analysis, patterns, satellite imagery


The city of Medellín in its rural configuration has 5 corregimientos, Santa Elena, San Sebastian de Palmitas, San Antonio de Prado, Altavista and San Cristobal and its urban structure is concentrated in the city of Medellín. From this study area, it is intended to demonstrate the selection, application and interpretation of the variations in the ordering patterns and the spatial structure of the landscape of the Medellín area during the last 40 years. This approach seeks to answer the question: What are the variations in the ordering patterns and the spatial structure of the landscape in the Medellín area, which make it possible to identify action measures and conservation of landscape ecosystem services in the city? For this, it has been necessary to explore and combine digital tools, geomatics, remote sensing and digital photogrammetry, which allow, from different graphic possibilities, to analyze landscape elements and their dynamics, as well as a detailed study of land uses for their valuation. and contrast.

The geoprocessing carried out on the satellite images obtained to qualify and quantify land uses has allowed us to appreciate the landscape of Medellín from a spatial perspective, yielding striking, exceptional and artistic images that have a technical, communicative and aesthetic purpose. The qualitative spatial analysis was divided into five parts to detail the structure: territory, region, place, location and landscape, this allowed to obtain a first image of the landscape structure or landscape visual unit (UVP) and its constitution. The formal quantification of the landscape was given by indexes, such as the Index of area, density and variability; Shape indices; Ecotone indices and interior habitat; Distance, neighborhood and connectivity indices, and the Landscape Diversity Index.


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Author Biographies

Olgalicia del Pilar Palmett Plata, Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia

Licenciada en Educación básica con énfasis en tecnología e informática. Especialista en docencia investigativa universitaria. Magister en Diseño del Paisaje. Docente investigador en la Facultad de Arquitectura e Ingeniería. Compiladora y gestora de las Memorias de la Semana de la Facultad, evento de divulgación académico investigativo con ISSN de publicación semestral. Gestora del semillero de investigación SIARI de la Tecnología en delineante de arquitectura e ingeniería. Docente de las optativas II y III en la línea de paisaje para el programa de Arquitectura.

Ana Sofía Henao Tamayo, Facultad de arquitectura e ingeniería. Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia

Arquitecta. Especialista en planeación urbana. Docente investigador en la Facultad de Arquitectura e Ingeniería. Asesora en el semillero SIARI de la Tecnología en delineante de arquitectura e ingeniería. Creadora de la sublínea de investigación de Ilustración arquitectónica.


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How to Cite
Palmett Plata, O. del P., & Henao Tamayo, A. S. (2024). Homogeneity and spatial heterogeneity in the analysis of patterns of the landscape in Medellín. Teks Del Sud, 5(1), 6-14. https://doi.org/10.53794/tds.v5i1.491