A Life Experience for Periferia Workshop Students in the Calchaquí Valleys in Salta, Argentina
Periferia is an architecture workshop developed in the geo-cultural context of the Argentinian Northwest. This workshop leads students to be comprehensive about the context in which they are going to perform to the highest level, transitioning from descriptions to classifications, ultimately reaching reality's interpretation. The process instructed through every stage is concerned with the formulation of questions regarding what is being tried to be explained and why, so that students develop the skills needed to formulate an intervention. For that, devices for the analysis, intervention and creation of architectural forms are introduced; and subject areas like history and the art creation process, bioclimatic principles, archaeology, urban and natural context analysis, architectural design processes and architectural materialization and structure are approached. This current article presents a field trip around the Calchaquí Valleys in Salta Province, whose primary goal is that students, both as individuals and as a collective entity, are well capable of acquiring a direct life and emotional experience through this journey.
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