
About the Journal

Objectives and scope



Open access policy, licenses of use and copyrights

Editorial Opening

Authorship - Responsibility

Plagiarism Policy


Types of Articles

Editorial process (peer review)

Publication fees

Instructions for authors

About the Journal


Scientific publication of the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of Salta, Argentina, created in 2006 and published under the imprint EUCASA (Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta).

Objectives and scope


Cuadernos de Ingeniería is a journal published since 2024, under the Online First model (up to and including 2023, its publication periodicity was annual). Online First is a model in which articles are published online as they are accepted, without waiting for the publication of an issue or volume. This model offers authors the opportunity to share their research results more quickly and accessible, and readers the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest developments in their field. Depending on the change in the publication scheme, Cuadernos de Ingeniería publishes the articles immediately after being approved and laid out, generating an annual volume made up of all the articles published in continuous mode during that period.

The articles published in Cuadernos contain results of research, technological developments, reviews of an engineering topic or other contributions to the academic and scientific discussion. In addition to topics directly related to the disciplinary field of Engineering in all its forms, contributions are received on topics such as engineering education, the performance of the profession, ethics and values in engineering, the interrelations between engineering and politics, culture, economy, society and the environment.



The languages of the journal are Spanish and English. Each paper includes title, abstract and keywords in both languages.



EUCASA (Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta)

Editorial address - Main office: Campo Castañares (Salta - Argentina)

Zip Code A4400EDD

Tel.: 54 - 0387 - 4268607

0810 555 822725 (UCASAL)

Open access policy, licenses of use and copyrights


It is an open access journal published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This means that all its content is freely available without charge for legal uses by users, without prior authorization from the author or publisher. The authors retain, however, the right to be adequately cited.


This publication adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative implementing its recommendations and definitions.


The journal applies the same license and content usage rights for both the website in general and for each issue and article published. In terms of copyright, authors maintain full and exclusive control over the integrity of their published work, as well as the right to be cited and properly acknowledged. It adheres in all cases to the guidelines and respective practices for fair use, "Fair use", developed by DOAJ.

Consult the section “Envíos” for author guidelines..

The Author retains the rights to his/her work. And he/she grants the Publishing House the right to the first publication and a permanent non-exclusive right to preserve and make the work openly accessible in whole or in part through the institutional digital media and channels in force, under the same license of original use of publication in the journal, or with the same characteristics.

Any use that the Author makes of the work, which signifies contractual agreements with third parties, must include an acknowledgement of the original publication made in this journal, and therefore of the respective issue number where the article can be found. In this sense, the Author assumes the commitment to inform the Editor, in a formal manner, of the pertinent authorizations and licenses contracted with third parties for the use of the work.

Editorial Opening

The journal maintains and promotes as its editorial policy the participation of authors, and members of the editorial team, from outside the University and related academic units.

Authorship - Responsibility

The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the texts and for intellectual property respect lies with the authors.

Likewise, the authors declare that they have complied with international standards regarding conflict of interest and ethical standards for research and publication of academic and scientific material.

Plagiarism Policy

The collaboration of the editors, authors and evaluators of this journal and the guide to ethics in editorial processes is governed by the Principles of Transparency and Good Practice in Academic Publications of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All articles submitted to this publication will be monitored through an online search and through plagiarism detection software.

In the event that total or partial plagiarism is detected or that the article already published by the same author is located, the journal will not publish the manuscript.

In the case that an article already published is denounced for plagiarism or for violating ethical standards, the journal will momentarily remove it from the portal and will notify the author of this circumstance so that he/she can exercise his/her right of defense. The publishing house will decide on this matter. In case of a decision against the author, the article will not be incorporated into the corresponding number, and in the opposite case it will be included again.

Digital Preservation

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive of its content ensuring the generation of replicas. Actions are also carried out at the server level, as well as backup, preservation and archiving policies, guaranteeing the reconstruction of the entire journal collection and the preservation of each published digital content. Automated background processes (CRON) are managed, generating complete backups of the entire database and article repository of the OJS system, and their deposit in digital storage services external to the journal's server.

Type of Articles

Cuadernos de Ingeniería publishes scientific articles, research results and technological developments, reviews, essays and book reviews on topics related to the broad disciplinary field of engineering.

Editorial process (peer review)

The Editors carry out a previous evaluation of the contributions received, based on criteria of originality, pertinence, structure and established editorial standards (see rules for authors). If the defined requirements are met, external reviewers will be assigned for the respective scientific evaluation, thus complying with the refereeing process. The double-blind peer review method is applied in all cases. The contributions submitted may adopt the following grades as a result of the evaluation round(s) managed: accepted for publication, accepted with changes, rejected.

Publication fees

The journal does not charge for access to the full text of all issues and articles, as well as for the submission of originals, evaluation, processing of approved articles and their respective publication.

e-ISSN 2545-7012

ISSN 2545-692X (until number 10 year 2018, the journal was also published in paper format).