Educating in solidary humanism. The challenge for Catholic university education

  • Laura Noemi Urbina Valor
Keywords: integral human development, humanism of solidarity, catholic university education, otherness, reflection


This work aims to make a reflection about the
Catholic university challenges in order to fulfill
its current educational mission based on the
contributions made to the world by the encyclical
Populorum progressio, with the concept of integral
human development and solidarity, and the
guidelines proposed in Educating for a Humanism
of Solidarity. To Build a «Civilization of Love». 50
Years After Populorum progressio (Congregation for
Catholic Education, 2017). The challenge presented
to the Catholic university is to place at the center
of education the relationship with the concrete and
real person through its three substantive functions.
To this end, it proposes to work with priority
lines of reflection, promote unity of knowledge,
interdisciplinary work and constant dialogue with
culture and science, thus generating an integral
ethical university project and a pedagogical model
such as the pedagogy of otherness, among others.




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Author Biography

Laura Noemi Urbina Valor

Universidad Católica de Salta (UCASAL). Profesora de Filosofía y Licenciada
en Psicopedagogía. Se desempeña como jefa del Departamento de Filosofía
y Ética del Vicerrectorado de Formación. Es profesora de Ética Profesional
y de Responsabilidad Social en carreras de la UCASAL. Ha integrado
equipos de investigación del área de la ética y ha dictado cursos en relación
a esa disciplina y a la responsabilidad social empresarial. Se desempeñó en
comisiones como la de Ética Aplicada y la de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria.


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How to Cite
Urbina Valor, L. N. (2020). Educating in solidary humanism. The challenge for Catholic university education. Cuadernos Universitarios, 13(XIII), 37-48.