The study of International Relations one hundred years after its creation as a scientific discipline

  • Victor F. Toledo
Keywords: discipline, object of study, international relations


The present essay aims to review the formal study
of International Relations as a scientific discipline
from its emergency —more than a century ago—
trying to reflect how the debates around its object,
methodology and theoretical options have influenced
the structuring of its curriculum, thus generating a
paradoxical situation; since this, at the same time
that it revived its study and critical reflection was,
at a certain point, an obstacle for its consolidation.
Like all social sciences, International Relations are
historically and geographically situated, which is
why contexts cannot be avoided when addressing
this problem. As the international context is highly
dynamic and changing, it is very important to
accompany this particularity both administratively
and pedagogically, and also didactically.




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How to Cite
Toledo, V. F. (2020). The study of International Relations one hundred years after its creation as a scientific discipline. Cuadernos Universitarios, 13(XIII), 99-108.