Teacher Training in Higher Education: Configurations of Didactics in a Professorship of Arts

  • Norma Cristina Figueroa
Keywords: general didactics, specific didactics, teaching, artistic teacher training, configurations


This essay refers to the configurations of didactics according to situated training fields. From the position of General Didactics teacher in artistic teacher training, the author asks herself: what is taught, what is it taught for and how is it taught in disciplinary didactics? What are
the meeting points, disagreements, relationships and tensions in the configurations of didactics, where didactic, disciplinary and technological knowledge come into play?
Didactics is a discipline that deals with the complex practice of teaching. In its constitution, foundational contributions of psychology, the curriculum and multiple disciplines from various fields of knowledge are recognized, with which it is related and in tension.
In the practice of didactics teaching, actions emerge that reveal the thinking and feeling of dichotomous positions between the general and specific training fields. Putting them in constructive dialogue is the challenge towards a didactics of diversity that adds to the field of professionalizing practice.


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How to Cite
Figueroa, N. C. (2021). Teacher Training in Higher Education: Configurations of Didactics in a Professorship of Arts. Cuadernos Universitarios, 14(XIV), 97-106. https://doi.org/10.53794/cu.v14iXIV.448