Cartographies of Meanings on Ways of Inhabiting the Institutional in Times of Invention in a Secondary School of the Puna of Jujuy.

  • Carolina Soledad Panire
Keywords: institutional analysis, health education, subjetivity, space/time, COVID19


From the institutionalist perspective, the present research work of the chair Institutional Analysis Applied to the Field of Health of the Professorship in Health Education of the FHyCUNJu seeks to investigate the singularity of the situation of the subjects and their idiosyncratic features as well as the monitoring in temporality and contextualization in order to understand the peculiar features of the institutions and their practices in education and health in a rural high school in the Puna of Jujuy in the period March-December 2020.
The general objective is to understand the meanings that teachers have about the ways of inhabiting the institutional during the preventive and compulsory social isolation (ASPO) and the preventive and compulsory social distancing (DISPO) COVID-19.
This is a qualitative research with a digital ethnographic approach. It uses semi-structured interviews with four teachers in the area of social sciences and documentary analysis of regulatory frameworks and reports on educational projects.
As for the results, the scenario of profound changes produced ruptures and sudden breaks in the daily life of the practices, breaking into and reconfiguring the continuity of school times and spaces. The new configuration or symbolic border that meant the passage from the school building structure to the home determines the organization teaching, understood from a pedagogical relationship mediated by a cell phone —which becomes a characteristic since the ways of inhabiting the institutional have been challenged by the health situation by COVID-19— and towards the construction of subjectivities in a health promoting school.


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How to Cite
Panire, C. S. (2021). Cartographies of Meanings on Ways of Inhabiting the Institutional in Times of Invention in a Secondary School of the Puna of Jujuy. Cuadernos Universitarios, 14(XIV), 107-122.