Aporte del Humanismo a la tarea diagnóstica

  • Marta B. Guberman Carrera de Psicología, Universidad del Salvador.
Keywords: objectivity, subjectivity, humanism, pshyco-diagnosis, meaning (sense)


This article refers that the professionals of the health, having done a diagnosis, believe that they must describe, in «objective» terms the suffering of someone. Every diagnosis is a cut as possible about the reality of a Your; reality whose subjectivity covers, and the subjectivity of the professional will try to des-cover. From the humanism, the diagnosis happens for three moments:

  1. the generic (if this person is healthy or sick). It involves a definition of health. b) If the person has restricted some or all of the freedoms that define it from health, is interrogated: what is sick?, why is suffering?, why now and here?; and c) moment of personification, if it came from an intentional encounter with the other. When this relation subject-subject is mediated by the auxiliary technologies of diagnosis, with his supposed «objectivity», must be neutralized for the comprehension of the sense, from You to You.


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Author Biography

Marta B. Guberman, Carrera de Psicología, Universidad del Salvador.

Licenciada en Psicología. Egresada de la Asociación Argentina de Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach. Especialista en Psicología Clínica. Doctora en Psicología Clínica. Profesora Titular de la Carrera de Psicología de la Universidad del Salvador. Supervisora de  Psicodiagnóstico en la Fundación Arché. Supervisora clínica en la Fundación Argentina de Logoterapia «Viktor Frankl». Autora de Humanismo, Logoterapia y PsicodiagnósticoSubjetividad y Rorschach; Tiempo, Espacio y Vínculos; Símbolo y Psicoterapia; El proceso psicodiagnóstico y sus problemas, entre otros. Expositora nacional e internacional de Logoterapia y Análisis Existencial.


How to Cite
Guberman, M. B. (2014). Aporte del Humanismo a la tarea diagnóstica. Cuadernos Universitarios, (VII), 63-66. Retrieved from http://revistas.ucasal.edu.ar/index.php/CU/article/view/79