The Representation Behind the Legal Concept of Person in Argentinean Legal System

Keywords: person, legal concept, metaphor, representation


This paper reflects on the metaphorical essence of the legal concept of person as an element linked to ancient theatrical masks and social roles. Departing from this idea, it aims to think about the image that is behind the word and that comes to mind when someone uses it. This, for it has impact on the attribution of rights as well as obligations. Finally, some cases that challenge the legal concept of person are mentioned. This essay is based on the Argentinean legal system.




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Author Biography

Helga María Lell, Directora del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.

Abogada por la Universidad Nacional de la Pampa (UNLPam). Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad Austral. Magíster y Especialista en Estudios Sociales y Culturales por UNLPam. Maestranda en Filosofía con orientación en filosofía social y política en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Diploma superior en metodología y construcción de proyectos en ciencias sociales (Conicet/Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Profesora Titular de Filosofía del Derecho (UNLPam), Investigadora asistente de Conicet y directora del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Jurídicas (UNLPam).  


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How to Cite
Lell, H. M. (2019). The Representation Behind the Legal Concept of Person in Argentinean Legal System. Omnia Journal, 2(2), 91-100. Retrieved from