Politic governance in Latin America in times of covid-19

Keywords: governance, Latin America, covid-19, perspectives


This paper provides an overview of Latin America,
and pays particular attention to the concept
of governance, especially in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has brought
countless negative effects to the region that
should be mitigated through effective government
agreement and decision-making. The region, prior
to the pandemic, showed a complicated governance
situation in many of its countries, and the explosion
of the virus only accentuated that situation.
In this paper, we will define the concept of
governance and then discuss its different aspects,
and see how they empirically translate into the
States of our region. We will address the indicator
of the power game among the actors and the
quality of the system, and how the pandemic has
come to pose —at least— enormous questions
about the ways in which governments conduct
and direct their societies.


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How to Cite
Torcoletti, C. (2020). Politic governance in Latin America in times of covid-19. Omnia Journal, 3(3), 101-108. https://doi.org/10.53794/ro.v3i3.316