Between law and literature: honor and justice in “La famosa tragicomedia de Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña”

  • María Cecilia Barnech Cuervo UCUDAL
Keywords: Philosopy of law - Peribáñez – love- honor - villains – justice


This work is part of a major research project on the main justice problems and their solution in universal literature. In this case, the aim is to answer the question: How do love, honor and justice intersect in The famous tragicomedy of Peribáñez and the Commander of Ocaña? In this work, Lope de Vega challenges us and allows us to probe into human complexity. The villain finally kills the Comendador de Ocaña, as well as Luján and Inés, his accomplices, in defense of his honor for the love of his wife Casilda. The King's sentence not only does not condemn him but also exalts him. Is this justice called?

By interpreting justice in this piece, in addition to enjoying the sharpness of El Fénix, a space for reflection is generated about the fascinating relationship between Law and Literature and the possibilities that this interdisciplinarity offers us


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Proyecto de Investigación “Principales problemas de justicia y su solución en la literatura universal”, dirigido por el Dr. Siro M.A. De Martini. Programa Ius - Acreditación de Proyectos de Investigación Jurídica. Investigación jurídica aplicada. Facultad de Derecho. UCA. Convocatoria 2019-2021.
How to Cite
Barnech Cuervo, M. C. (2022). Between law and literature: honor and justice in “La famosa tragicomedia de Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña” . Omnia Journal, 5(1), 11-26.