The choice of property regime at the time of the celebration of the marriage: analysis and application in the city of Salta

Keywords: patrimonial regime - right of option - autonomy of will - community of goods - separation of property


The patrimonial regime of marriage was, without a doubt, one of the areas of matrimonial law that underwent great modifications with the reform of the Civil and Commercial Code. The autonomy of the will assumed a leading role, displacing public order as the guiding principle of the matter. In this way, it is the future spouses who, in exercise of the right of option, become responsible for choosing the regime that they consider most convenient to govern their patrimonial relations, taking into account the needs of each marriage at a determined moment and counting, in addition, with the possibility of modifying it later, in case they so decide.

This work constitutes an adaptation of the final postgraduate work called: "The possibility of choosing the property regime at the time of the celebration of the marriage, which governs from the sanction of the Civil and Commercial Code until the year 2020, in the city of Salta and your application".


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How to Cite
Mendoza Videla, A. (2023). The choice of property regime at the time of the celebration of the marriage: analysis and application in the city of Salta. Omnia Journal, 6(2), 77-90.

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