Commentary on the ruling of the Constitutional Court in Spain concerning the adoption of euthanasia
The paper aims to explore in depth the concept of human dignity and its relationship with the end of life, taking into consideration the ruling of the Constitutional Court of Spain, which declared the constitutionality of Organic Law 3/2021. That saw regulates euthanasia throughout the Spanish territory. This ruling was the result of the constitutional appeal 4057-2021, filed by deputies of the parliamentary group Vox against the aforementioned law and, subsidiarily, against thirteen provisions contained therein.
The objective is to contrast the different foundations applied by the judges of the Court in their respective votes. Therefore, in order to reach a well-founded conclusion, it will be of utmost significance to present divergent doctrinal theses regarding the conception and scope of the principle of human dignity, and the implementation of euthanasia.
The ultimate goal of this commentary on the Constitutional Court’s ruling is to contribute to the debate on human dignity and the end of life, questioning the compatibility of the implementation of euthanasia with constitutional and conventional principles.
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