The Dynamics of Public and Private in Higher Education in Latin America

(From the Córdoba Manifesto of 1918 to the CRES2 of 2018)

  • Claudio Rama
Keywords: university education in Latin America, university autonomy, higher education, university reform (1918), Latin American student movements (1968)


Ever since that movement in Cordoba, Argentina,
in 1918, which raised the flags of autonomy, cogovernment
and participation in university education
in Latin America, until its current centennial,
an enormous transformation has taken place
that may have built in part the university postulated
by those dreams, but which today is inserted
in a very different system of higher education.
Between the reform movement of 1918 and the
Latin American student movements of 1968, there
was a phase marked by a political and institutional
transformation associated with the reformist causes
of Córdoba, in which a strong change in the management
of Latin American public universities was
slowly imposed. And from those student struggles
to the present day, a new phase emerged marked by
a great institutional differentiation centered on the
expansion of the private university.




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How to Cite
Rama, C. (2020). The Dynamics of Public and Private in Higher Education in Latin America. Cuadernos Universitarios, 13(XIII), 49-60.